Understanding Pipe Repair in Ft. Washington, MD

by | Feb 13, 2018 | Plumbing

Older homes in the Ft. Washington area will need pipe repair or replacement eventually as original materials fall prey to corrosion or other types of damage. While plumbing is designed to last for years, no products will last forever. If your home is experiencing leaks now or the plumbing is more than 25 or 30 years old, have an area plumbing professional examine the system to identify existing or potential problems.

Why Look at Plumbing That’s Not Leaking Now?

As a rule, pipes don’t simply go from being in good condition to leaking. Frozen pipes will certainly cause leaks, and those problems will develop quickly. However, corrosion related to chemicals reactions between plumbing pipes and water cause many of the leaks homeowners experience. Until the 1960s galvanized water lines were the norm. Most galvanized plumbing has already been replaced, but homes still having that material in use are likely to experience leaks.

Starting in the early 1960s, copper plumbing was routinely installed. While copper was touted as being superior to galvanized plumbing, chemical reactions started causing copper pipes to develop pinhole leaks. That means even homes with copper are prone to leaks that require Pipe Repair in Ft Washington MD. Having any plumbing system more than a few years old inspected for corrosion damage is prudent to prevent leaks and the water damage associated with leaks.

What’s the Best Solution for Replacing Old Pipes?

There is no simple, one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Pipe Repair in Ft Washington MD experts will evaluate the system and make recommendations based on the type of home and the water conditions in a specific area. In some cases, copper plumbing is still a good option, although it is quite expensive. PEX plumbing is becoming more common around the country, and Maryland is no exception. Plumbing professionals will recommend the best materials for a specific application.

If you’re unsure of the condition of a home’s plumbing supply or waste lines, it’s time to contact a plumber for advice. Waiting until a leak develops isn’t the best course of action. It’s far more prudent to be proactive and contact a plumber for help before leaks develop. Visit our website for more information or to schedule an evaluation of your home’s plumbing system.

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